Alert in Chefchaouen: National Road No. 2 Partially Destroyed by Floods

The heavy rains which fell on the Chefchaouen region since Friday caused a partial collapse of National Road No. 2, a vital axis for the region. The incident occurred at the section located at the western entrance to the Bab Berred center.

Citizens in the region have made urgent appeals to local authorities to draw their attention to the fragility of infrastructure, including roads, bridges and tracks. They emphasize that this road is the only access to the center for the northern cities.

According to testimonies collected by the newspaper “Nos Nouvelles”, residents of Bab Berred fear being completely isolated from the regional capital, Chefchaouen, due to this collapse. In addition, this situation led to a partial interruption of traffic and significantly disrupted the flow of vehicles in the region.

Local authorities are urged to intervene urgently to avoid any risk of isolation of citizens and to guarantee the security of remaining infrastructure. Residents emphasize that this road is essential for their daily travel, particularly to access administrative and medical services, as well as weekly markets.

Rescue and repair teams are mobilized to assess the damage and undertake the necessary repair work in order to restore traffic as quickly as possible. The situation is being closely monitored by local authorities and residents of the Chefchaouen region.

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