Arrest at Rabat airport: A Portuguese man wanted by Interpol arrested

A 44-year-old Portuguese national was arrested at Rabat-Salé international airport on Sunday February 11, 2024. Security authorities acted following an international arrest warrant issued by French judicial authorities.

The man, whose identity has not been revealed, was wanted by Interpol for his alleged involvement in a trademark counterfeiting case. French authorities convicted him of falsifying trademarks and distributing them internationally.

As soon as he arrived from a European airport, security officers at Rabat-Salé airport detected his presence thanks to a red notice issued by Interpol. This triggered an immediate arrest procedure.

The suspect was placed in detention pending examination of the extradition request from the French authorities. The National Central Bureau, under the General Directorate of National Security, quickly informed the French authorities of the arrest.

This arrest underlines the constant efforts made by the authorities to strengthen security at national borders and international cooperation in the fight against organized crime.

The authorities remain firmly committed to ensuring the security of citizens and preventing cross-border criminal activities, thus affirming their determination to uphold the law and ensure justice.

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