Attack on a Teacher in Tiznit: The Educational Community Reacts Firmly

In a shocking case, a mathematics teacher at the Ibn Khaldoun high school in Bounaamane, under the provincial management of Tiznit, was the victim of a violent attack by one of his students.

The incident, which occurred recently, provoked a rapid reaction from the attacked teacher. The latter filed a complaint with the competent authorities, accompanied by a medical certificate attesting to the injuries suffered.

This attack sparked a wave of indignation within the educational community. The National Teaching Union immediately expressed its solidarity with the attacked teacher, describing the incident as “tragic”. He also called on the authorities to take concrete measures to ensure the safety and protection of teachers in the exercise of their duties.

Stressing the importance of protecting educational executives against all forms of violence, the union warned of the consequences of inaction. He called on the provincial leadership of Tiznit to assume its legal responsibilities by fully supporting the attacked teacher.

This attack highlights the need for increased vigilance regarding security in educational establishments. Local authorities have been called upon to guarantee a safe and conducive environment for learning, where teachers can practice their profession without fearing for their safety.

The entire educational community remains mobilized to defend the dignity and integrity of teachers, the cornerstone of the Moroccan education system.

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