Disturbing disappearance of Lina, 15, in Bas-Rhin: “Another romantic relationship”, this avenue explored by investigators

As a reminder, the teenager has been in a relationship for several months with Tao, a 19-year-old young man.

Where is Lina? The 15-year-old girl vanished into thin air this Saturday, September 23 in Plaine, Bas-Rhin. According to the Schirmeck gendarmerie brigade, the young girl left her home on foot around 11:15 a.m. to reach the Saint-Blaise-La-Roche station, located approximately 3 kilometers from her home. There, she had to take the train to join her boyfriend in Strabsourg. But she never made it to the station. Indeed, according to the Saverne public prosecutor’s office, the young girl did not even “get on a train”.

This Tuesday, September 26, the Saverne public prosecutor provided an update on the investigation. “Two witnesses saw Lina on the way to the station between 11:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. She was walking. (…) His phone, which was not found, stopped transmitting at 11:22 a.m. (…) On her route, no traces on the roadway or the shoulder were observed at this time suggesting the occurrence of a road accident of which she was the victim,” indicated Aline Clérot, who added that no leads had been ruled out at this stage.

“Another romantic relationship”

Including that of “another romantic relationship which could explain Lina’s sudden departure”, we can read in Le Parisien this Friday, September 29. Our colleagues specify that the gendarmes are following this lead “thanks to testimonies collected”. As a reminder, the 15-year-old teenager has been in a relationship for several months with Tao, a 19-year-old young man.

In this case, a wanted notice was issued by the gendarmerie, who opened an investigation for “disturbing disappearance”, because the young girl is not considered to have run away. The teenager is 1.60m tall and has shoulder-length hair. She was dressed in a gray dress and a white down jacket. Anyone who may have information is invited to contact the Schirmeck gendarmerie on 03 88 97 04 71 or 17.

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