Disturbing disappearance of Lina: “I came across her at 11:20 a.m., and at 11:25 a.m., she had already vanished…”, chilling details from a witness

A new testimony from Jean-Marc Chipon, the former mayor of Plaine, which reinforces the mystery surrounding the disappearance of the 15-year-old girl.

Where is Lina? The 15-year-old girl vanished into thin air on Saturday September 23 in Plaine, Bas-Rhin. According to the Schirmeck gendarmerie brigade, the young girl left her home on foot around 11:15 a.m. to reach the Saint-Blaise-La-Roche station, located approximately 3 kilometers from her home. There, she had to take the train to join her boyfriend in Strabsourg. But she never made it to the station. Indeed, according to the Saverne public prosecutor’s office, the young girl did not even “get on a train”.

Tuesday, September 26, the Saverne public prosecutor provided an update on the investigation. “Two witnesses saw Lina on the way to the station between 11:15 and 11:30.”

“I met Lina at 11:20 a.m., and at 11:25 a.m., she had already disappeared”

One of them is none other than the former mayor of Plaine, Jean-Marc Chipon. Questioned by investigators, he claimed to have encountered the young teenager alone on the road at 11:20 a.m. that day, shortly before she vanished into thin air.

The other witness that the authorities heard claims to have encountered the young girl in a blue car that morning. He also specified that the vehicle in question was traveling in the opposite direction from the station.

Following this testimony, Jean-Marc Chipon redid his calculations, using images from surveillance cameras installed in front of his home. “I only stayed at home for a minute. It takes two to reach the road, which means that I met Lina at 11:20 a.m., and that at 11:25 a.m., she had already vanished,” he declared in the columns of Le Parisien on Sunday 8 october. Chilling details which reinforce the mystery surrounding the disappearance of the young girl.

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One Comment

  1. Did the mayor travel back and forth on foot or by car, and did he see any cars passing by at the time? Did you manage to find the car previously photographed by her friend?

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