Disturbing disappearance of Mélodie in Marseille: The investigation reclassified as “kidnapping and sequestration”

A march was organized at the initiative of Mélodie’s family this Saturday, November 18 in Marseille to make her disappearance more widely known. Nearly 150 people who wore t-shirts with his image participated. Her husband Pearl testified, explaining that he was holding on “because of his children.”

This 34-year-old mother has not been seen since she left her home in the 4th arrondissement on November 3 around 6 p.m., leaving her two children aged 9 and 15 and her husband in deep worry.

Mélodie Mendes da Silva is a beautician. She is 1.75 m tall, dressed in black and wearing flip-flops when she left her home. His phone marked one last time on the day of his disappearance in the 11th arrondissement of Marseille.

Read also :
Disturbing disappearance of Mélodie in Marseille: “I arrived home and she was no longer there”, the mother has not given any sign of life for almost 2 weeks

Her disappearance was reported by her husband three days later, on November 6, said the public prosecutor of Marseille, Nicolas Bessone, underlines BFM. The investigation, initially opened for “disturbing disappearance” has been reclassified since Friday for “kidnapping and sequestration”.

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