Government Takes Action to Boost Investment Rates Among Moroccans Abroad

Speaking at the House of Representatives, the Minister stated that the ministry’s efforts in this area focus on two main pillars, the first is strengthening communication with Moroccans abroad to inform them about investment opportunities in their home country, while the second involves promoting the incentives provided under the new Investment Charter.

Regarding the second pillar, the Minister highlighted its focus on strengthening reception, guidance, and support structures within the Moroccan Agency for Investment and Export Development (AMDIE) and Regional Investment Centers (CRI).

The Minister also praised the significant role played by Moroccans abroad in Morocco’s social and economic development, he emphasized that, in line with the High Directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the government has established a thematic committee dedicated to promoting investments by Moroccans abroad, tasked with crafting a tailored action plan that addresses the unique needs of this community.

Regarding the challenges facing the investment ecosystem, the Minister explained that the government’s strategy to strengthen this ecosystem is built around three main pillars. The first aims to “build consensus around shared goals at both regional and sectoral levels, while enhancing convergence to drive investment and overcome obstacles.”

The second pillar focuses on five strategic initiatives linked to the implementation of the new Investment Charter, which include activating investment support mechanisms, attracting both domestic and international investors, strengthening public-private partnerships, further improving the business climate and establishing the National Investment Observatory to monitor progress toward achieving investment goals.

The third pillar addresses the establishment of a unified and decentralized governance framework for investment.

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