Hidden Camera Controversy: Mourad El Achabi and Zina Daoudia in the Critic Spotlight

A recent hidden camera show, broadcast under the title “Fasel wa Nowasel”, set social networks ablaze, featuring artist Mourad El Achabi and popular singer Zina Daoudia.

In this controversial show, broadcast on the “MBC 5” channel during its second season, excerpts were shared en masse, showing El Achaabi being attacked by Daoudia, thus raising accusations that the program was just a staged show. intended to deceive the Moroccan public.

Retired artist Hashem El Bastawi also took part in this controversy, expressing harsh criticism of El Achaabi via social media.

In response, El Bastawi warned El Achaabi not to mention his name or speak about him, stressing the importance of preserving integrity and dignity in the media.

This controversy has sparked a lively debate online, questioning the ethics of entertainment programs and the responsibility of artists towards their audiences.

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