In a Ryanair saga… An uncontrollably drunk lady creates chaos

In a tumultuous story aboard a Ryanair flight from Madrid to Rabat, an intoxicated passenger caused chaos, jeopardizing the safety of the flight.

According to testimonies, a woman of Moroccan origin, but of foreign nationality, disrupted the flight as soon as it took off from Barajas airport, in Madrid. Refusing to return to her seat, she insisted on access to the cockpit, holding a bottle of alcohol and claiming personal problems.

Despite the cabin crew’s efforts to calm her down, the passenger remained agitated, causing increasing tension among the other passengers. The pilot even considered diverting the plane to Tangier airport to manage the situation.

As the plane approached Moroccan airspace, the passenger, in an advanced state of intoxication, finally gave in to the demands of staff and passengers, but calm did not return until landing.

The Moroccan authorities had to intervene to control the passenger, requiring the intervention of law enforcement to ensure the safety of all on board.

This incident highlights the challenges airlines face when it comes to safety and managing disruptive in-flight behavior.

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