Insecticide Causes Asphyxiation of Family in Tangier

Last Thursday, five people suffered asphyxiation due to an insecticide leak in their apartment in Tangier. The incident occurred when the building’s caretaker sprayed insecticide in the garage, causing a leak that entered the apartment, leading to the asphyxiation of an entire family.

Information obtained by the site reveals that the caretaker acted recklessly by using the insecticide without taking the necessary precautions to avoid such a disaster. The toxic product spread quickly, causing breathing difficulties for members of the family, who had to be urgently evacuated.

Stable Health Status of Victims

The five affected people were immediately taken to hospital to receive first aid. Hospital sources said their health condition is currently stable, but further tests will be carried out to ensure there are no long-term complications.

A hospital representative said the victims are out of danger, but will need to remain under observation for a few days to monitor any changes in their condition. Doctors remain vigilant for the possibility of allergic reactions or persistent breathing problems.

Opening of an Investigation

Local authorities have responded quickly by opening an investigation to determine the exact circumstances of the incident. Law enforcement is keen to understand how such a leak could have occurred and whether security measures were neglected. The building’s caretaker will be questioned to clarify his role in this matter.

Investigators will also examine the type of insecticide used and the conditions under which it was applied. Initial findings suggest that negligence may have contributed to the incident, and sanctions could be considered depending on the findings.

Reactions from the Building’s Residents

Residents of the building are in a state of shock following this incident. Several expressed concern about the use of potentially dangerous chemicals in common areas. They are calling for stricter measures to guarantee the safety of all occupants.

A resident who witnessed the scene said: “We were all panicked when we smelled the chemical odour. No one was informed in advance about the use of this insecticide, and it could have been avoided if precautions had been taken.”

Call for Vigilance

Local authorities reiterate the importance of handling chemicals with caution and following safety instructions. They emphasize that similar incidents can be avoided by following proper protocols and informing residents in advance of interventions of this type.

In conclusion, this incident highlights the need for better regulation of the use of insecticides in residential environments. Residents of Tangier hope that measures will be taken to prevent such an incident from happening again.

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