Jailed Russian leader Alexei Navalny reported dead; his team awaits confirmation

Jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has died, the prison service of the Yamalo-Nenets region where he had been serving his sentence said, as per news agency Reuters. The statement said, “Navalny felt bad after a walk, almost immediately losing consciousness. Medical staff arrived immediately and an ambulance team was called.”

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is seen on a screen via video link from the IK-2 corrective penal colony in Pokrov in May 2022.(Reuters)

It added, “Resuscitation measures were carried out which did not yield positive results. Paramedics confirmed the death of the convict. The causes of death are being established.”

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However, there was no confirmation of Alexei Navalny’s death from his team as his aide Kira Yarmysh said, “Alexei’s lawyer is flying to Kharp and as soon as we have any information, we will report it.”

Meanwhile, Alexie Navalny’s press secretary said that she has no confirmation on his death.

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Alexei Navalny’s death: Why was he moved to a different prison?

Alexei Navalny was serving a 19-year sentence on charges of extremism and was moved in December from a prison in the Vladimir region of central Russia to a “special regime” penal colony- IK-3- nicknamed “Polar Wolf”, in the northern town of Kharp, 1,900 kilometres northeast of Moscow. The jail is considered one of the toughest in Russia where most detainees who are held have been convicted of serious crimes.

Alexei Navalny’s death: What Vladimir Putin critic had said in last public appearance?

In his first public appearance in a video call from the Arctic penal colony, Alexei Navalny appeared to be in good spirits. He joked that he was yet to receive any Christmas mail due to being “quite far away”.

Alexie Navalny’s death: What Kremlin has said so far?

Responding to the news, the Kremlin said that they have no information on the cause of the death of Alexei Navalny however the prison service is making all checks possible.

Vladimir Putin has been informed about his death, the Kremlin added.

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