Jewish woman stabbed at her home: why does the complainant’s version question investigators?

On Saturday, November 4, a Jewish woman claimed to have been stabbed twice by an individual.

Aged around thirty, a Jewish woman was stabbed in Lyon this Saturday, November 4, around 1 p.m. The latter told investigators that she had been hit twice by a man “around 1m75 tall, dressed in dark clothes: black hat, black pants and black shoes”. The anti-Semitic nature of the attack was then given priority.

Since then, investigations have been carried out by PJ police officers to verify the story of Eva, the alleged victim. An investigation was opened by the Lyon public prosecutor’s office for “aggravated attempted murder”.

According to our colleagues from Le Parisien, this Thursday, November 9, the police indicated that there was no evidence, for the moment, to confirm that a knife attack had indeed taken place. In fact, the exploitation of video surveillance cameras has not yet yielded anything.

No trace on the knife found at the home

Another element intrigues the investigators, it concerns the weapon. Indeed, the knife which would have been used in the attack was found at the home of the Jewish woman, but no fingerprints could be found. Our colleagues specify, however, that DNA examinations are still in progress.

The profile of the Lyonnaise was also examined by the investigators. They discovered that she was separated from her ex-partner who described her as “virulent and depressed”. The latter would have had a bad experience with this event, so she confided on Cnews, this Wednesday, November 8: “I have a divorce that has been in progress for a few months. I told the police, but for me, it is impossible that it is linked especially since a divorce is never simple, but not to the point of going as far as physical aggression , attempted homicide.”

For Eva, the anti-Semitic nature of her attack “is quite blatant”. And while the possibility of self-mutilation has also been raised, she defends herself by indicating that it “is completely false information”. She adds: “That anyone would think that I did this to myself is just unbelievable. I value life. This is insane. »

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