Khémisset: Census of flocks of sheep, cattle and goats in the commune of Sidi Abderrazzak Khzazna

Khémisset: Census of flocks of sheep, cattle and goats in the commune of Sidi Abderrazzak Khzazna

Commune of Sidi Abderrazzak Khzazna – The census operation of flocks of sheep, cattle and goats continues in the commune of Sidi Abderrazzak Khzazna (Province of Khémisset), as part of the 2024 general census of the national livestock.

Initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries and Rural Development and Water and Forests and the National Association of Sheep and Goat Breeders (ANOC), this operation, initiated under the slogan “Our livestock is the fortune of our country”, aims to provide updated data on the national flock of sheep and goats, its composition and its geographical distribution, with a view to helping public authorities take appropriate measures to preserve the national livestock.

In the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region, more than 70 field investigators were mobilized to collect data from breeders. Likewise, awareness workshops will be organized throughout the census, with the aim of raising awareness among breeders of the importance of this process and its direct impact on improving the sector.

In this regard, the provincial director of Agriculture in Khemisset, Younes Sebbar, noted that the herd census process will allow future programs and projects to improve the livestock targeting process, stressing that the data will meet the needs of breeders.

And added, in a statement to MAP, that the province of Khemisset, known for breeding, has a large sheep and goat herd estimated at 700,000 heads in normal years, noting that the lack of precipitation has had an impact major impact on herd density.

For their part, breeders expressed their hope to see the results of the census contribute to strengthening their capacity for resilience in the face of climate change.

Qualified teams of researchers were mobilized throughout the national territory to collect data on the number of heads of livestock according to breed, species, sex and age categories, by going to meet breeders and recording the data in a form specially designed for this purpose.

The national livestock census operation is part of monitoring the dynamics of the red meat sector and within the framework of the national livestock protection program and its restructuring adopted by the supervisory ministry. In particular, it will make it possible to outline a global and integrated development policy to promote the small ruminant sector, strengthen its resilience capacity in the context of climate change and international constraints in order to preserve the country’s food sovereignty.

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