Levittown tragedy: Son allegedly posts chilling YouTube video of decapitated father

Middletown Police found a man’s lifeless body in a second-floor bathroom on Upper Orchard Drive in Levittown on Tuesday. Chief Joe Bartorilla revealed that the deceased was the father of the family.

Police chief acknowledges community concern over disturbing video.

Family’s youngest son in custody

The youngest son, linked to the incident, was apprehended in Fort Indian Gap, Pennsylvania, and later transferred to Middletown. Chief Bartorilla confirmed this development on Wednesday morning.

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Disturbing YouTube video emerges

On Tuesday evening, Justin Mohn, the suspect, posted a 14-minute video on YouTube claiming to display his father’s decapitated head. Chief Bartorilla mentioned, “We got called to the home and officers went in and discovered the father upstairs deceased.”

Alarming claims in the video

Mohn, self-proclaimed “Commander” of Mohn’s Militia, labeled his father a traitor on the video, asserting that he’s now in hell for eternity. The video, titled “Mohn’s Militia and a ‘Call to Arms’,” had over 5,000 views before being removed by YouTube.

Manifesto-style rant and calls for action

In the video, Mohn urged followers to take action against federal employees, putting bounties on prominent figures. He claimed control over “America’s police and military” and called for the public execution of federal employees, while expressing strong views against various groups.

Law enforcement reacts

Chief Bartorilla refrained from providing details but mentioned that investigators have seen the video. He added that the police are in contact with the victim’s wife to inform family members before they encounter the distressing content.

Community response

The police chief acknowledged the community’s concern, stating, “We’re getting contacted by some people in the community that know us, and know him and his family. And we’re hearing a lot. Obviously, he’s well known in the community just by the calls we’re getting.”

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