“Live theft” case: Momo appeals with the support of Hit Radio

Hit Radio, loyal to its host Mohamed Bousfiha, better known as Momo, has decided to firmly support him in his appeal against his sentence to four months in prison.

The unwavering support of Hit Radio

Hit Radio took a position in favor of its star host, Mohamed Bousfiha, alias Momo, by announcing its full support in his desire to appeal the sentence pronounced against him in the case of the “fictitious live flight” broadcast on the radio waves.

The station wanted to express its gratitude to its listeners and partners for their unwavering support during this ordeal. She reaffirmed her commitment to continuing to deliver entertaining content to millions of listeners every day, while rigorously adhering to the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.

Details of the case

The defendants face serious charges, including inventing a fictitious flight, disseminating false information that could undermine citizens’ sense of security through computer systems, and insulting an organization through disclosure of false data.

The court handed down prison sentences of three months for the first accused, Mustapha, and five months for the second accused, Amine.

Despite the testimony of another accused who exonerated Momo during the hearing on Thursday April 4, the Court seems not to have been convinced by the arguments put forward by the host and his defense.

Momo’s position

Momo remained consistent in his statements before the Court, reiterating the same assertions made before the judicial police and the prosecution, denying any involvement with the other accused.

The Hit Radio host said: “I felt sorry for the listener who lost his phone, and I gave him an iPhone. There are thieves who specialize in this type of theft. »

In conclusion, the “live theft” affair on Hit Radio continues to attract the interest and support of many listeners. The verdict rendered underlines the importance for all actors involved to appeal to justice, while awaiting a fair and just resolution.

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