Livestock Disease Outbreak in Morocco: Urgent Call from Breeders for Rapid Intervention

Breeders are sounding the alarm regarding a mysterious disease which is spreading among livestock, endangering the herds of the prestigious “Sardi” breed in the Meknes region.

Origin and Spread of Evil

According to information relayed by the daily “Al Massae” based on testimonies from breeders, this disease, which appeared more than a year ago, represents a major threat to their herds. It manifests itself particularly in the form of scattered tumors.

A Call for Immediate Action

Breeders insist that this disease poses a danger not only to livestock but also to the health of consumers. They urge the Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests to intervene quickly to try to diagnose this epidemic.

The Need for Appropriate Treatment

At the same time, breeders are also calling on the ministry to provide breeders with appropriate treatment for this disease that has affected their herds, in order to limit its spread and prevent the potential damage it could cause to cattle and the health of consumers.

Livestock Disease Outbreak in Morocco: Urgent Call from Breeders for Rapid Intervention

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