Mom of woman killed by illegal immigrant in Maryland shares message for Biden after arrest of Rachel Morin’s killer

The mother of 20-year-old daughter Kayla Marie Hamilton, who was raped and killed by an illegal immigrant in her mobile home in her bed in Maryland in 2022, has a message for Joe Biden after Rachel Morin’s killer’s arrest. Morin, 37, and Hamilton’s cases are similar in a way, as both were from Maryland and were raped and killed by El Salvadoran migrants. In Morin’s case, 23-year-old Victor Martinez-Hernandez, who is believed to have crossed into the United States illegally back in January 2023, has been charged.

Tammy Nobles (L), whose daughter Kayla Hamilton (L) was killed by an illegal immigrant, shares message for Joe Biden (R) (Image provided by Tammy Nobles, REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz/File Photo)

“It is occurring because Homeland Security and Health and Human Services are not doing their jobs and other agencies in power like the police and government aren’t doing anything to prevent this,” Hamilton’s mom, Tammy Nobles, told New York Post. “And Biden sure isn’t trying to prevent these types of crimes from happening. He is the one that is welcoming the illegal immigrants here.”

“Government agencies, federal and local, need to take responsibility and put American citizens first and not last. Our safety is not being put first,” Nobles added.

Besides Hamilton and Morin’s murders, another case that shook the nation was the murder of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student at Augusta University who was murdered while jogging at the University of Georgia (UGA) in Athens. A suspect, an illegal immigrant named Jose Antonio Ibarra, was later arrested.

Nobles has expressed her disappointment in such brutal incidents being repeated.

Tammy Nobles’ message for Joe Biden

“I am incredibly saddened that something like this has occurred again. I understand what Rachel’s mom and family are going through and the nightmare that they have to endure every day,” Nobles said while talking about Morin’s murder.

Morin’s killer is believed to have murdered another woman in the past. “My message to Biden would be close the border and start vetting and background checking every illegal immigrant and start processing the ones that came here the legal way,” Nobles said.

“We can’t keep letting everyone in without properly vetting and background checking them,” she said, adding that advocating on behalf of her murdered daughter and other victims was her way to “try to prevent tragedies like Kayla’s and Rachel’s.”

Nobles’ lawyer in California is helping her sue the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Health and Human Services for $100 million for the “preventable murder of Kayla.”

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