Morocco Declares War on Chaos on TikTok

The Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, announced today that the Moroccan government recognizes the existence of significant disorder on social networks, particularly TikTok, due to the proliferation of false and intrusive content. Bensaid stressed the importance of strict enforcement of existing laws to combat this situation and protect citizens.

During a question and answer session in the House of Representatives, Bensaid said that “everyone agrees that there is a certain disorder on social networks due to content that is either falsified or that infringes on people’s privacy.” He recalled that citizens and parliamentarians have the right to seek justice, as the Moroccan penal code punishes offensive publications and incites sexual violence.

The minister also called for collective responsibility, urging social media users to act with discernment and respect. “It is imperative that every citizen becomes aware of the impact of their online actions and acts accordingly for the good of society,” he said.

In response to this situation, the government is considering new measures to regulate the use of social networks, including identity verification mechanisms and harsher penalties for serious violations. “We must work together to create a safe and respectful digital environment,” Bensaid added.

The government is currently developing a national strategy to strengthen the regulation of online content. This strategy includes promoting digital education and raising user awareness of the risks and responsibilities associated with the use of social networks.

In conclusion, Bensaid reaffirmed the government’s commitment to combating disinformation and protecting citizens from online abuse. “We must educate our citizens so that they are better prepared to navigate the digital universe,” he concluded.

With these measures, Morocco aims to establish a safer and more respectful online space, while taking into account the challenges posed by modern digital platforms.

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