Morocco-Europe Tariff Tensions: The Moroccan Diaspora Calls for Action

In anticipation of the massive return of Moroccan expatriates for the “Marhaba 2024” event, a growing concern is emerging within the Moroccan community abroad. Fears are centered on the increase in connection rates between Moroccan and European ports, a situation which could compromise summer reunions and family visits.

Some members of the Moroccan diaspora express frustration at what they see as exploitation of tourism demand. Shipping companies, taking advantage of the expected influx of visitors, have significantly increased crossing rates between the ports of Italy, France and Spain and those of Morocco. This drastic increase in prices, often exceeding 6,000 dirhams for a vehicle and two adults, is seen as a major obstacle for many families wishing to return to the country for the summer holidays.

Travelers also complain about the unfairness of prices, highlighting the disparity between the prices charged via the ports of Melilla and Ceuta, which are much more affordable, and those imposed by companies directly linking Moroccan ports to European destinations.

Faced with this situation, the Moroccan community abroad calls on the Ministry of Transport and Logistics to intervene to regulate connection rates and to impose fairer pricing practices on shipping companies. However, the Moroccan government responded by emphasizing its inability to act in this area, citing free competition in the air and maritime transport market between Morocco and Europe since 2006.

This government response has sparked criticism, with some accusing the authorities of remaining indifferent to the difficulties encountered by members of the Moroccan community abroad, particularly during periods of family reunions and summer celebrations. The issue of Morocco-Europe connection fares therefore remains a major concern for many Moroccans living abroad, highlighting the challenges they face when traveling to their country of origin.

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