Morocco: Impeachment for Corruption – Interior Ministry Takes Action

The Ministry of Interior has taken a decisive step against corruption in local administrations. Abdelouafi Laftit, Minister of Interior, recently forwarded several files to the Attorney General of the Kingdom, Abderrahmane Lamtouni. This action aims to initiate impeachment procedures against presidents of communes and other elected officials, accused of serious financial and corruption offenses.

The files submitted include detailed reports highlighting fraudulent practices such as misappropriation of public funds, abuse of power and financial embezzlement. These accusations are the result of in-depth investigations that revealed significant irregularities in the management of public resources by the individuals concerned.

Through this approach, the Ministry of the Interior intends to strengthen integrity and transparency within local authorities, while ensuring that public officials are held accountable for their actions before the courts. The names of those involved have been submitted to the competent judicial authorities, who will examine the accusations and take appropriate measures in accordance with the law.

This initiative marks an important step in the fight against corruption in Morocco, underlining the government’s firm commitment to combating this scourge which undermines good governance and public confidence in its institutions.

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