Morocco in Pole Position to Host the 2030 World Cup Final – Media7

Morocco is getting closer to obtaining the right to host the final of the 2030 FIFA World Cup at the Grand Stade de Casablanca, currently under construction. According to media reports, the country managed to convince its joint bid partners, Spain and Portugal, that this stadium is the ideal location for the event.

Portuguese authorities said they could not host the opening and final matches due to a lack of suitable stadiums and insufficient construction plans. This situation allowed Morocco to position itself favorably for the organization of the final.

Internal conflicts in Spain, particularly between Madrid and Barcelona, ​​facilitated the decision to support the Moroccan candidacy. The Grand Stade de Casablanca, with a capacity of 115,000 spectators and a budget of 6 billion dirhams, is being built in the region of Mansouria in Benslimane. The stadium will be fully equipped for the event.

The construction of the stadium is an ambitious project aimed at meeting the highest international standards. Moroccan authorities are working closely with experts to ensure that all logistical and technical aspects are covered, including transport, security and accommodation for visitors.

The support of European partners strengthens Morocco’s candidacy. The country’s strategic location, at the crossroads of Europe, Africa and the Middle East, is also a major asset. Hosting the final would have significant economic and social benefits, boosting tourism and creating job opportunities.

In conclusion, Morocco seems well on its way to winning the organization of the 2030 World Cup final, promising an exceptional experience for fans and a lasting contribution to the history of world football.

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