Morocco Weather Forecast: Discover the Exceptional Weather for this Thursday, December 28

The weather forecast for Thursday, December 28, 2023 indicates varied weather conditions in Morocco. The weather forecast predicts local coolness, even freezing, in the mountains, eastern regions, interior plains and the northeast of the southern provinces, according to information provided by the General Directorate of Meteorology.

Atmospheric Stability with Some Passing Clouds

The sky will be mostly stable, although with some passing clouds.

Temperature Details

Minimum Temperatures

The minimum temperatures forecast will be between -06/02°C in the Atlas Mountains, -01/06°C on the eastern highlands and southeastern slopes, and 09/16°C near the coasts, on the Souss, as well as in the western and southern regions of the Saharan provinces. For the rest of the territory, temperatures will oscillate between 03/09°C.

Maximum Temperatures Rising

A general increase in maximum temperatures is observed.

Maritime Conditions

In terms of maritime conditions, the Mediterranean will be peacefully beautiful, the strait will be pleasant to slightly rough, and the Atlantic coast will have gentle to rough waves.

In conclusion, on Thursday December 28, 2023, Morocco will be bathed in a varied meteorological atmosphere, offering thermal contrasts and soothing maritime scenes. Stay informed for a day well prepared for all eventualities.

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