Morocco’s UNHRC Presidency: A “Confirmation that Truth and Justice” Prevail over Defamation, Says Peruvian Expert

Morocco’s UNHRC Presidency: A “Confirmation that Truth and Justice” Prevail over Defamation, Says Peruvian Expert

Lima – Morocco’s election to the presidency of of the United Nations Human Rights Council for 2024 is “a confirmation that truth and justice” prevail in the face of defamation by the Kingdom’s opponents, said Ricardo Sanchez Serra, an expert in international affairs and President of the Federation of Peruvian Journalists.

The achievement is “not only a recognition of the policy pursued by HM King Mohammed VI but also a confirmation that truth and justice triumph over disinformation, fake news, and defamation propagated by Morocco’s adversaries,” Ricardo Sanchez Serra told MAP news agency.

Morocco’s election to the presidency of this UN body was achieved by a “large majority”, noted the Peruvian journalist, highlighting that “the Kingdom’s respect for the principles of international law and human rights throughout its territory,” contributing to its prestige on the global stage.

Morocco on Wednesday secured the Presidency of the United Nations Human Rights Council for 2024 in a vote held in Geneva, receiving support from 30 out of the 47 council members, while South Africa received only 17 votes.

Sanchez Serra emphasized the “lamentable failure of Algeria and South Africa to tarnish Morocco’s image,” noting that “their efforts have reached a dead end, and they have lost credibility in the eyes of the international community.”

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