Mystery surrounding the disappearance of a bus from the community of Inezgane

The disappearance of a bus, part of the fleet of the community of Inezgane and registered under the number 150313 J, has raised many questions. This bus was made available to members of the office of the Association of Social Works of Community Employees. It was entrusted to the Oukra company at the end of 2012, as part of an agreement, as a means of transport for the execution of the association’s social, cultural and sporting programs.

A Prolonged Absence

Reports circulated that the bus had been missing from the community vehicle depot for more than two years. This situation triggered a heated debate in the region of Inezgane Aït Melloul. Many local observers are calling for an immediate investigation into the circumstances surrounding the disappearance and current location of the bus, once used by the association for trips outside the region.

Suspicious Property Transfer

According to other associative sources, the Social Association of Employees of the Inezgane community transferred ownership of the bus, acquired with public funds, to an unknown person. This transfer would have taken place for a sum of around 20 million centimes. The same sources claim that this person presented three notes to the bank from the association, which were rejected several times.

Call to Action

This situation raises crucial questions about the management of the resources of the Inezgane community. Citizens and local observers are calling on the authorities to take immediate measures to clarify this matter. A thorough investigation is necessary to determine responsibilities and ensure transparency in the use of public assets. The prolonged absence of the bus and the questionable dealings surrounding it require a rapid response to restore the community’s trust in its institutions.

Mystery surrounding the disappearance of a bus from the community of Inezgane

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