New Date Set: Postponement of the Butagaz Price Increase

In a new decision, the Moroccan government announced the postponement of the planned increase in the price of “Butagaz” to a later date, after the month of Ramadan. Initially scheduled to come into force on Monday April 1, this increase, estimated at 10 dirhams, has been postponed, according to informed sources.

According to these same sources, butane gas distributors in Morocco have not yet received new pricing directives regarding this increase. It had previously been agreed with government authorities that the price would remain unchanged at 40 dirhams per gas bottle for the month of April, in order to guarantee price stability for consumers.

The postponement of this increase is attributed mainly to the concern not to impose additional financial burdens on Moroccan households, due to the period of increased consumption during the holy month of Ramadan.

It is expected that the new pricing of “Butagaz” will come into force from next May, with a price set at 50 dirhams per bottle. This decision comes as part of a transition towards the gradual elimination of government subsidies on energy products, in accordance with current economic policies.

The government led by Aziz Akhannouch had previously announced the start of this transition, with an initial increase of 10 dirhams from April 2024, marking the start of a reform aimed at rationalizing public spending and promoting more efficient use of the country’s energy resources.

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