New Increase in Fuel Prices in Morocco

Starting July 1, Moroccan consumers will face a new increase in fuel prices, according to information obtained from reliable sources. Diesel will increase by 33 cents per liter, while super gasoline will see an increase of 16 cents. This announcement comes despite efforts to keep prices at reasonable levels, based on fluctuations in the international market and calculation methods prior to the liberalization of prices by the Benkirane government.

Hussein El Yamani, head of the National Union of Oil and Gas, stressed that the ceiling prices, theoretically set at 10.65 dirhams for diesel and 12.23 dirhams for super gasoline, have been exceeded since liberalization in 2015. According to him, these excessive increases have generated considerable profits for the players in the sector, totaling 64 billion dirhams since 2016.

Analyzing the current price structure of diesel at gas stations, experts estimate that 50% of the purchase cost comes from the international market, while 30% is attributed to taxes and 20% to distribution and import costs . This potential increase in costs could have a significant impact on the national economy, notably affecting the transport sector, agriculture and other energy-dependent industries.

The reactions to this announcement were not long in coming. Unions and civil society organizations are already expressing concern about the effect of these increases on the purchasing power of Moroccan households. Calls for government intervention to regulate these prices and protect consumers are increasing, while some are planning protest actions to express their discontent.

Faced with this situation, it remains to be seen what measures the Moroccan government will consider to mitigate the economic impact on citizens and support vulnerable sectors. The coming weeks will be crucial to determine the extent of the repercussions of these increases on the daily lives of Moroccans and the national economy as a whole.

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