Press Review: The Main News of Monday May 27, 2024

Press Review – Here are the main headlines developed by the national press for this Monday, May 27, 2024:

The Modernization of the Chartered Accounting Profession in Morocco

Eco inspirations

A wind of modernization is blowing over the profession of chartered accountant in Morocco. The government recently adopted Decree No. 2.23.150, approving a new Code of Ethics which now governs this profession. This reform marks a crucial step in ensuring the integrity, transparency and credibility of chartered accountants. Anchored in Law No. 127.12 of 2015 relating to the organization of the profession, this code defines an exhaustive regulatory framework. It lays down clear principles in terms of ethics, competence, independence and responsibility.

The text reaffirms the fundamental duties of chartered accountants: integrity, objectivity, competence, diligence, confidentiality and respect for the laws. An obligation for continuing training is also established to maintain a high level of expertise. The code strictly regulates relations with clients, thus ensuring impeccable professional practice.

Massive Importation of Brazilian Beef into Morocco


Morocco recorded a massive import of 554 tonnes of Brazilian beef during the first four months of 2024, according to data from the Brazilian Association of Beef Exporters (ABIEC). This notable increase reflects a growing demand for Brazilian meat on the Moroccan market. In detail, Brazil exported around 107 tonnes of beef to Morocco in April, a slight decrease compared to the 115 tonnes exported in March. Previous months saw imports of 114 tonnes in February and 218 tonnes in January. This progression illustrates an overall increase in trade between the two countries in the meat sector.

The Moroccan Aeronautical Industry in Full Expansion

The morning

With 25 years of experience in the aeronautics industry, Morocco has all the assets to attract new activities, particularly in the defense industry and medical technological equipment. Hamid Benbrahim El Andaloussi, founding president of the Institute of Aeronautical Professions, affirmed that the Kingdom’s rise in skills in this sector, as well as its potential in terms of talent, will allow it to position itself in technologically more complex, such as aircraft reactors.

Morocco welcomes a new American investor, Pratt & Whitney, specializing in equipment for civil and military reactors, which marks the Kingdom’s entry into a new industrial era and raises it to the top of the pyramid of this cutting-edge industry.

E-Fuel Opportunities for Morocco

The Economist

Morocco is observing with interest the opportunities offered by the e-fuel sector. The country has the necessary assets to meet this challenge, in particular thanks to renewable energies and green hydrogen used in the production of e-fuels. The exchange of experiences with other countries on the advances made in this sector will be of great use to Moroccan decision-makers and operators.

This was the subject of the international conference organized last Friday in Salé by the Green H2 Cluster on e-fuels, with the participation of more than 250 green hydrogen players. Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, called for the establishment of an integrated and agile ecosystem to promote the development of e-fuels in Morocco. She underlined the importance of establishing an enabling environment including research and development (R&D), innovation, infrastructure and the necessary human capital.

These articles highlight current dynamics in Morocco, reflecting the country’s developments and ambitions in various economic sectors.

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