Prince Harry blasted for ‘arrogance’ over court appeal, asked to ‘pay for his own security’

A royal biographer has blasted Prince Harry, asking him to “pay for his own security” after his appeal over his arrangements when in the UK. The courts have granted an appeal to Harry after he claimed he is “unable to bring his wife Meghan or their two children due to safety concerns.”

Prince Harry blasted for ‘arrogance’ over court appeal (REUTERS/Akintunde Akinleye)(REUTERS)

Royal biographer Angela Levin called out the Duke of Sussex for his “arrogance” over the court battle following claims that he had “tried to jump the queue” to get the appeal heard at the earliest. Previously, Lord Justice Bean had told Harry that he is “not entitled to jump the queue because of his status.”

Levin discussed reports saying that Harry’s request to have the appeal heard sooner is because he and his wife, Meghan Markle, have a “planned world tour.” She said that he is “not well enough in the VIP group to go ahead of everybody else”.

Levin went on to say that it would be “arrogant” of the duke to “go around the world on taxpayer money”. “I think that this country will go absolutely mad if they use our taxpayers’ money to go around the world,” Levin told GB News.

‘If you step down from being a royal, you can’t expect the same sort of attention’

Levin predicted that following their successful Nigeria trip, Harry and Mrghan might spend a lot of time “in Africa.” Levin also said that the British public would be “very annoyed” if they used Harry’s level of protection around the world, in case it is granted to the duke. “I can’t see how you can keep on going back again and again and again, but he’s very determined. He’s absolutely determined,” she said.

On being asked that since Harry is the King’s son, whether he deserved the best protection, Levin said, “If he comes for anything to do with the Royal Family, he has the best protection. If he comes to see friends or to do something that’s got nothing to do with the royals, he has grade two or grade three.”

“If you step down from being a royal, you can’t expect the same sort of attention that you get if you’re not, and you can’t actually control it,” she added. “He doesn’t get that. But you have to accept that, you can’t take it out of the Government. It’s just not right. He can pay for it if he wants to for himself, but he can’t actually expect us to pay for him and his family all the time.”

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