Ryanair in Troubled Waters in Morocco

The Ministry of Transport and Logistics decided today, Friday, to authorize the company Ryanair to carry out its domestic flights on an exceptional basis for a period of one month while waiting for the company to comply with its commitments, after having found that tickets were only available for purchase via international Moroccan bank cards in foreign currencies.

Exceptional Authorization Granted to Ryanair

As part of strengthening domestic air links, the Ministry of Transport and Logistics granted, on November 24, 2023, to the airline Ryanair, authorization to organize 11 domestic flights connecting 9 Moroccan airports during the 2024 summer season (from April to March).

Non-compliance with Commitments

However, it was observed that the tickets were only available in dirhams, an explicit condition for the issue of this exceptional license, a condition accepted and confirmed by a letter from the airline dated November 29, 2023. Following the observation by the Ministry that the tickets were only available for purchase via international Moroccan bank cards in foreign currencies, the company was reminded of its commitments on March 29, 2024 and ordered to comply with them as quickly as possible.

Measures Taken by the Ministry

In order to avoid any inconvenience to citizens who have already purchased their tickets and organized their trips, the Ministry has decided to exceptionally authorize the company Ryanair to operate its domestic flights for a period of one month (from Sunday March 31) in waiting for the company to comply with its commitments.

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