Ryanair Raises Prices for Domestic Flights in Morocco

This is the news that surprises and agitates the world of travelers in Morocco: Ryanair, the famous airline, has decided to drastically increase the prices of its domestic flights. A decision that leaves regulars of cheap flights perplexed and worried.

According to the latest information disclosed, fares have increased fivefold, leaving travelers perplexed by this sudden and dizzying increase. Flights that were accessible for a handful of euros are now saddled with exorbitant price tags, with journeys between Marrakech and Tetouan jumping to 80 euros, compared to barely 12 euros previously. Connections between Marrakech and Tangier are not spared, going from 22 euros to 80 euros, just like those between Agadir and Tangier, which are now flirting with the 80 euro mark.

This unexpected announcement took many travelers by surprise who, accustomed to Ryanair’s affordable fares, now find themselves facing a very different reality. Reactions are pouring out on social networks, some expressing their frustration and anger, while others wonder how they will be able to continue to travel regularly with such prices.

Faced with this outcry, Ryanair did not wish to provide an official justification for this sudden increase, contenting itself with announcing that the new prices were now in force. A situation that pushes travelers to review their plans and explore other options for their travel within the country.

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