Serial bomb threats in middle and high schools in Grenoble: the phenomenon is growing and worrying the authorities

Since September, bomb threats have increased in many establishments.

Several bomb threats were triggered this Thursday, October 5 in different schools in Grenoble (Isère).

The Isère prefecture indicates that 8 establishments are concerned and specifies “in agreement with the rector, the prefect Louis Laugier has decided to close them until the doubt is resolved”. The students did not have their lessons.

Mine clearance teams were called to the site to carry out checks. The high schools concerned are: the Notre-dame day school, Mounier, Eaux-Claires, Champollion, Argouges, ISER-Bordier lycée des Métiers, Stendhal, Lesdiguières, specifies France 3 region. “These are complicated operations to implement in the morning and which put many personnel on alert,” underlines a police source.

Bomb threats were received in 8 schools in Grenoble.
In agreement with the rector, the prefect Louis Laugier decided to close them until the doubt was resolved.

— Prefect of Isère ud83cudde8ud83cuddf5ud83cuddeaud83cuddfa (@Prefet38) October 5, 2023

The phenomenon worries the authorities because bomb threats have been increasing in the Northern Alps for several days. On Wednesday morning, the principal of a private college in Grenoble was warned by anonymous letter that a bomb was supposed to explode inside at 9 a.m. A 12-year-old child, “computer enthusiast” according to our colleagues, was identified as being at the origin of the alert.

ud83cuddebud83cuddf7 FLASH – Bomb threats were received in 8 high schools in #Grenoble, leading to their temporary closure and the evacuation of thousands of students. Mine clearance teams are on site. (France 3)

— Mediavenir (@Mediavenir) October 5, 2023

Tuesday, October 2, a previous alert in a college in L’Isle-d’Abeau where students were confined for several hours. And before this was also the case in Albertville and Chambéry.

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