Taxi Scandal in Agadir: The Video of a German Tourist Makes the Authorities React

A German tourist sparked a swift response from local authorities in Agadir after sharing a video highlighting the deplorable state of taxis in the city.

In the video, the tourist, accompanied by an audio commentary, shows a Mercedes 240 taxi that transported her in unsafe conditions from Al Massira International Airport to a hotel on the city’s coast.

Authorities took immediate action by stopping the vehicle involved and taking legal action against the driver. This action is part of a broader initiative aimed at improving the quality and safety of public transport services in Agadir.

According to local officials, more than 125 taxis have been identified as not meeting the required standards and will be banned from carrying out their transportation activities. Most of these taxis are Mercedes-Benz 240s, some of which are over 60 years old.

The authorities have provided security forces with a detailed list of affected taxis, which will be permanently withdrawn from circulation until their owners replace them with vehicles meeting professional standards.

This rapid response demonstrates the authorities’ commitment to guaranteeing the safety and comfort of passengers in Agadir. Efforts to modernize the public transport sector in the city will continue in the coming months to ensure that residents and visitors benefit from quality services.

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