The government has doubled public investments to unprecedented levels (Mr. Akhannouch)

Monday, June 10, 2024 at 11:05 p.m.

Rabat – The government has doubled public investments to record levels “never seen before in the national economy,” said Head of Government Aziz Akhannouch on Monday in Rabat.

In detail, the total value of these investments is distributed between the share of the State budget which reaches 103 billion dirhams (billion dirhams), the budget of public establishments and enterprises with 152 billion dirhams, the budget of the Mohammed VI Fund for The investment which amounts to 45 billion dirhams, and the local authorities with 20 billion dirhams, as well as the budget of the Special Fund for the management of the effects of the Al Haouz earthquake of more than 20 billion dirhams, noted Mr. Akhannouch who responded to a central question in the House of Representatives during the monthly plenary session under the theme “Stimulating investment and employment dynamics”.

This “voluntary and historic” turn towards public investment makes it possible to strengthen the financing of promising sectoral strategies and accelerate their integration into global value chains, while avoiding anything that could hinder the economic efficiency of the Kingdom, a he indicated.

Furthermore, Mr. Akhannouch recalled that the Executive has adopted a proactive policy aimed at creating a balance between public and private investment, granting the latter the same efforts and the same attention in order to reverse the current geographical distribution, and make ensuring that private investment represents half of total national investment by the end of 2026 and two-thirds by 2030.

He further noted that the government succeeded in implementing the High Royal Guidelines aimed at providing Morocco with a new competitive Investment Charter, capable of creating jobs, generating high added value and reduce regional disparities in attracting investments, accompanying it with an ambitious plan to improve the business climate, emphasizing that following the development of this new Charter in record time, Morocco now has ‘a complete ecosystem for investment.

The Head of Government considered that the new Investment Charter represents a qualitative leap for Morocco allowing it to position itself in its continental and global environment, taking into account the significant opportunities offered by this major Royal project to Moroccan and foreign companies. , with innovative support systems intended for all investors, covering all investment categories, as well as important mechanisms for governance and monitoring of investment operations.

The Executive has launched a series of quality initiatives aimed at supporting investors at the national level and promoting Morocco as an investment destination of choice to attract new global companies, he raised, welcoming the role of the Moroccan Agency for Investment and Export Development, as a main actor in the implementation of the government vision in terms of attracting and establishing investments.

In this wake, Mr. Akhannouch indicated that the government is finalizing the publication of implementing texts for the implementation of the new Investment Charter and implementing governance mechanisms provided for by this Charter, with a view to signing sectoral and regional contracts to mobilize all the stakeholders concerned, to finalize the technical arrangements for the creation of the Investment Observatory and to continue to organize tours to attract and diversify investors in the national and international levels.

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