They dig a hole in the ceiling of their room “thanks to a bar in their window”: spectacular escape from the Administrative Retention Center

They dig a hole in the ceiling of their room "thanks to a bar in their window" : spectacular escape from the Administrative Retention Center

Ten men took part in this escape, two of them were arrested on the roof.

A spectacular escape was reported to the Administrative Retention Center (CRA) in Vincennes.

On the night of Friday November 10 to Saturday November 11, the alarm went off at around 2 a.m. at the CRA located in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, according to information from Actu17. When they arrived on the scene, the police managed to arrest two men who were trying to escape through the roof. Who were immediately taken into custody. After counting the numbers, it appeared that eight other individuals managed to escape.

NEWS INFO17. Paris: Eight men escape from the Vincennes administrative detention center during the night
u25baThey made a hole in the ceiling of a room, two other men were arrested as they fled

— Actu17 (@Actu17) November 11, 2023

A hole dug with a bar

Still according to Actu17, the men dug a hole in the ceiling of their bedroom “with the help of a window bar that had been removed”.

As the public service website specifies, “administrative detention allows a foreigner who is the subject of a removal decision to be kept in a closed place (administrative detention center), pending their forced return. . Retention is decided by the administration. It can be extended by the judge when the immediate departure of the foreigner is impossible. It is limited to 90 days (except in cases of terrorist activities). The foreigner detained has certain rights and can receive help from associations.”

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