Three months without a wedding in Morocco!

Growing tensions are shaking the Moroccan legal world as the National Adoul Corps intensifies its actions against the Ministry of Justice. In response to what they see as a lack of response to demands for reform, the National Adul Corps has announced a series of strikes and protests that will take place over the coming months.

The Corps’ decision to stage strikes over a three-month period highlights the extent of their discontent. The lawyers will begin their movement on Wednesday February 26, with a series of actions planned until Wednesday March 6. This period of protest will be interspersed with a week of work, followed by another prolonged strike of 14 days. Subsequently, the lawyers plan a 21-day open strike, accompanied by a sit-in in front of the Ministry of Justice led by Abdelatif Wahbi.

At the heart of the lawyers’ demands is the request for access to the Deposit and Management Fund, a request which has caused tensions with notaries. The latter are firmly opposed to the idea of ​​sharing this responsibility with lawyers, thus creating a divide within the Moroccan legal community.

As protests intensify and strikes loom on the horizon, the issue of reform and governance of the Moroccan judicial system remains front and center. The next few months promise to be tense as lawyers persist in their fight for justice and reform.

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