Weather Morocco: forecast for Tuesday, December 26, 2023

On this Tuesday, December 26, 2023, the weather in Morocco offers a varied picture, with particularly icy morning conditions in the reliefs, the Oriental, the South-East, and the high plateaux. The night saw temperatures dropping to near-freezing levels, creating a cold, crystal-clear atmosphere.

Reliefs and High Plateaux: Local Frosts Expected

The reliefs, the eastern slopes of the Atlas, and the Eastern Highlands will be the most affected areas, with local frosts reported. Residents in these areas will need to prepare for a bitter morning and temperatures ranging from -06/02°C.

North and South Coasts: Between Low Clouds and Mists

On the North and South coasts, a different atmosphere emerges with the presence of low clouds and localized foggy formations. Maritime conditions influence these regions, providing a unique weather spectacle.

General Stability and Slight Drop in Temperatures

Overall, the country will experience weather stability, with fairly clear skies in most areas. However, a slight drop in maximum temperatures is expected, bringing a subtle but noticeable variation.

Thermometer in Variation: From -06/02°C to 15°C

Minimum temperatures will oscillate between -06/02°C in the mountainous areas and the Eastern Highlands, while near the coasts, in the Souss, the North-West, and the South Saharan, they will be between 09/15°C . In other regions, expect milder temperatures, oscillating between 03/09°C.

Contrasted Maritime Conditions

On the sea side, the Mediterranean offers a magnificent view with calm conditions, while the strait lies between beautiful and calm seas. Along the Atlantic coast, conditions vary from mild to choppy, adding a dynamic dimension to the weather experience.

In summary, Morocco wakes up with a mixture of intense cold, atmospheric stability, and thermal nuances this December 26, 2023. Stay informed of local conditions for a diverse and captivating weather day.

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