Where is Elijah Vue? All about Wisconsin boy, 3, who vanished after mom sent him to male friend’s home as punishment

A Wisconsin toddler, 3, has been missing for nearly a week after his mom sent him to a male friend’s homefor “disciplinary reasons.” Officials are now searching local woods and waters to look for Elijah Vue. He was last seen by an adult caregiver around 8 am last Tuesday, February 20, at a residence in Two Rivers, according to cops.

Officials are now searching local woods and waters to look for Elijah Vue (Two Rivers Police Department)

Mother and friend arrested

Two days after Vue’s disappearance, his mother, Katrina Baur, and her friend, Jesse Vang, were arrested on suspicion of child neglect in the case. FOX 11 reported that Vang’s address matched the location where Vue was last spotted.

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Manitowoc County District Attorney Jacalyn LaBre said during a bail hearing that Baur sent Vue to Vang’s home as punishment. “She intentionally sent that child for disciplinary reasons for more than a week to the residence,” LaBre told the court. “She was aware of the tactics used and the lack of care provided. This was an intentional thing by her.” The DA added that Baur, who lives in Wisconsin Dells, lied to authorities on “at least two occasions” about her whereabouts.

The court commissioner ordered that Baur be held on $15,000 cash bond on suspicion of being party to child neglect. 33-year-old Vang was held on $20,000 bond on suspicion of child neglect. When he was arrested last week, Vang was under federal supervision on unrelated charges. He was previously charged with aggravated battery, disorderly conduct and child abuse, Spectrum News reported.

Mother and friend formally charged

Baur and Vang were formally charged on Monday, February 26.Baur was charged with one count of neglecting a child and two counts of resisting or obstructing an officer. Vang, on the other hand, was charged with one count of neglecting a child.

“Now it’s a week later, and we still don’t have an answer of where this little boy is at,” said Yolanda Godfrey, who lives in Two Rivers.

“I’ve trekked through Two Rivers and Manitowoc; I’ve been here for 17 years, and I’ve explored places I’ve never knew existed, but it’s worth it. It’s worth every step that we take,” added Godfrey.

Vue’s family said they have received massive community support.“It means everything, to be honest,” Elijah’s uncle, Orson Vue, told CBS 58.

“If it was just me and my family doing this search, I don’t know what we’d even do. With the whole world, really, reaching out, giving their support, their love, it means the world, and we couldn’t do it without them,” he added.

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