Who is Raad Almansoori? Serial attacker arrested in Manhattan SoHo murder case

A man who has been arrested for allegedly killing a woman inside a SoHo hotel room in Lower Manhattan may be a serial attacker who assaulted women in different states, police said. Raad Almansoori, who has a history of arrests in Arizona, Florida and Texas, has now been accused of murdering38-year-old Denisse Oleas-Arancibia, a Queens mother.

Raad Almansoori (R) is a suspect in the muder of 38-year-old Denisse Oleas-Arancibia (L) (Facebook, DCPI)

Oleas-Arancibia had been beaten and strangled. Her body was discovered on the floor under a blanket by a hotel maid on February 8. A spokesperson for the NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner told New York Post that her manner of death was officially determined to be homicide. Her cause of death was compression of the neck and blunt force trauma.

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After the murder, a surveillance photo showedAlmansoori wearing leggings that belonged toOleas-Arancibia.

The victim was hit with an iron rod. “A broken iron was recovered at the scene and recovered bits of plastic that were found embedded inside of her skull,” Kenny said.

After the murder, a surveillance photo showed Raad Almansoori wearing leggings that belonged to Denisse Oleas-Arancibia (DCPI) After the murder, a surveillance photo showed Raad Almansoori wearing leggings that belonged to Denisse Oleas-Arancibia (DCPI)

Police believe Almansoori left the hotel wearingOleas-Arancibia’s leggings because his clothes were too bloody. He has anextensive out-of-state arrest history, the NYPD has said.

Raad Almansoori’s arrest

Almansoori was arrested in Arizona, where he is accused of two stabbings. “While in the custody of Arizona law enforcement, he informs them that he is wanted for homicide in New York City and tells the cops that they should Google ‘SoHo 54 Hotel,'” NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny said, according to CBS News.

It is believed thatAlmansoori arrived in New York City in late January. His credit card use shows he later purchased a plane ticket to Arizona.

“On February 17, 2024, just nine days after our victim was discovered in New York City, he committed a knifepoint carjacking in Phoenix, Arizona, where he stabbed his female victim. He managed to escape that scene. The very next day in Surprise, Arizona, he dragged a female employee of a McDonald’s into the ladies room, held her against her will, and stabbed her several times,” Kenny said, adding that “majority of his arrests involved domestic violence and assault.”

According to ABC News,Oleas-Arancibia may have been working as an escort when she metAlmansoori.”It seems that there was a dispute over the time he was allowed to stay in the room,” said Kenny. “And that’s what caused the outburst, which caused the attack.”

Almansoori was out on bail after being arrested in Sumter County, Florida, last year.

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