Working Meeting in Rabat between Interior Minister, Counterpart from Union of Comoros

Working Meeting in Rabat between Interior Minister, Counterpart from Union of Comoros

Rabat – Minister of the Interior, Abdelouafi Laftit, held a working meeting in Rabat on Wednesday with Mahmoud Fakridine, Minister of the Interior, Information, Decentralization and Territorial Administration, in charge of Relations with the Institutions of the Republic of the Union of the Comoros.

The meeting, part of the Comorian official’s working visit to Morocco on April 16-18, was an opportunity for the two ministers to discuss ways of strengthening the strategic relationship of friendship and cooperation between the two countries, in order to establish it as a model of partnership with the aim of jointly meeting the challenges of security and peace, particularly in Africa, according to a statement by the Ministry of the Interior.

The meeting was marked by the signing of a civil protection cooperation agreement. It focuses in particular on the prevention and management of major risks that pose a serious threat to the safety of people, property and the environment.

This cooperation instrument is also aimed at training experts in the field of forecasting, prevention and rescue for the benefit of civil protection corps personnel, as well as developing training programs and exchanging information and scientific and technological studies.

The agreement also covers mutual assistance on technical expertise and the provision of rescue resources between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Union of the Comoros, in the event of major disasters or accidents.

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