Disturbing disappearance of Mélodie in Marseille: “I arrived home and she was no longer there”, the mother has not given any sign of life for almost 2 weeks – Media7

Those close to him are consumed with worry.

The family of Mélodie Mendes da Silva has multiplied calls for testimonies on social networks since the disappearance of this mother in Marseille on November 3.

According to Le Parisien, an investigation into a worrying disappearance has since been opened by the prosecution. The 34-year-old woman has not been seen since she left her home in the 4th arrondissement on November 3 around 6 p.m., leaving her two children aged 9 and 15 and her husband in deep worry.

One last message to say “she was going out”

It was the latter, Pearl, who raised the alarm. “I arrived home, and she was no longer there. I tried to call him twice, but it rang out. That’s when I decided to go to the police station,” he describes to Le Figaro. “I wander to the right, to the left. I comb the streets of Marseille. I drive all over Marseille,” explains the spouse at the microphone of BFM Marseille, indicating that the beautician’s children “are very worried and are asking for her.”

His phone would have been blocked one last time, on the evening of his disappearance, in the 11th arrondissement, avenue Emmanuel Allard, at 7:30 p.m. According to Le Parisien, the thirty-year-old sent a last message to her younger sister on Snapchat before her disappearance where she told him “that she was going out”, without further details.

Mélodie Mendes Da Silva was dressed in black the day she disappeared and she wore flip flops. She is 1m75 tall. Two numbers are available to provide testimony if necessary: ​​ and

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