Maroc Innov Sidi Moumen: Cosumar and FRDISI join forces to support projects

June 11, 20243

The Cosumar Group and the Foundation for Research, Development and Innovation in Sciences and Engineering (FRDISI) signed an agreement on Friday aimed at supporting the sponsorship of projects selected by the Maroc Innov Sidi Moumen caravan.

This signing took place at the end of the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Ordinary General Assembly of FRDISI, held at the headquarters of the Casablanca-Settat Region, indicates Cosumar in a press release, noting that these meetings were marked by the participation of the Group as a founding member, with the presence of its Director General (DG), Hassan Mounir.

Furthermore, a trophy was presented to the CEO of Cosumar in recognition of the efforts made by the Group in supporting research projects, the development of new innovative technological products, the filing of patents, as well as support for young people with projects since the creation of the Foundation in 2016, reports the same source.

Chaired by the Advisor to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, André Azoulay, these meetings saw the participation of several members of the government as well as eminent personalities.

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