Paulo Fonseca Favorite to succeed Gasset at OM? – Media7

The latest turmoil behind the scenes of the Mercato OM suggests an imminent outcome regarding the choice of the next coach. Indeed, the upper echelons of Olympique de Marseille have chosen Paulo Fonseca to replace Jean-Louis Gasset. Talks have intensified in recent days, highlighting the possible signing of a three-year contract between the Portuguese coach and the Marseille club.

A Long-standing Interest

OM’s interest in Paulo Fonseca is nothing new. Already the previous summer, the club had tried to secure the services of the Portuguese coach. However, the negotiations were interrupted by a categorical refusal from LOSC, his club at the time. But today the situation has changed. At the end of his contract next June, Paulo Fonseca now has the freedom to choose his next destination.

Discussion Growth

Talks between OM and Paulo Fonseca have resumed with a vengeance, with notable progress. According to information from La Provence, discussions are progressing towards an agreement around a three-year contract. These negotiations, according to various sources, are at a very advanced stage, suggesting an imminent conclusion.

An Imminent Decision

Recent statements from Paulo Fonseca’s entourage suggest a positive outcome for OM. While those close to him initially denied any involvement, it seems that the Portuguese coach is now enthusiastic about taking the reins of a big club like Olympique de Marseille next season. Paulo Fonseca’s final decision will be revealed next week, at the end of the championship.

The Issues of His Decision

The question remains whether Paulo Fonseca will accept the Marseille offer or extend his adventure with LOSC, which is already shaping up to be in the Champions League next season. The choice of the Portuguese coach could also be influenced by the prospect of discovering a new championship. The answer to these crucial questions should be revealed in the coming days.

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