Algeria Launches Media Offensive Against Morocco Before CAN 2025 – Media7

Algeria has launched a virulent media campaign against Morocco, following the official announcement by the Confederation of African Football of the dates of the African Cup of Nations to be held in Morocco in December 2025. Algerian media, controlled by the generals’ regime, used all kinds of tactics to psychologically prepare the Algerians to accept the withdrawal of their national team from this continental competition.

Objective: A controversial withdrawal from CAN 2025

The first indication of this withdrawal appeared during the match between Renaissance de Berkane and Union d’Algiers in the semi-final of the CAF Cup. The Algerian team, on the orders of the El Mouradia Palace, boycotted the match in protest against the official map of Morocco appearing on the Moroccan team’s jerseys. Despite knowledge of possible severe sanctions, this decision appears to have been a deliberate strategy by the generals to obtain a suspension from CAF, thereby freezing their teams’ participation in continental competitions.

It is clear that the real objective behind this maneuver is to prevent thousands of Algerian supporters from traveling to Morocco to support their team. The military regime fears that this massive displacement will reveal to its citizens the reality of Moroccan development at all levels, compared to the situation in Algeria, rich in resources but where the population suffers from difficult living conditions.

The truth feared by the Algerian regime

The generals’ fear is that the Algerians will discover the truth about Morocco, a country booming despite its limited resources. Morocco is experiencing a renaissance at all levels, contrasting sharply with Algeria, which, despite its immense wealth in oil, gas, gold and phosphates, is unable to offer its population a standard of living comparable to that of advanced countries. .

Faced with this reality, the Algerian media, controlled by the regime, launched a massive disinformation campaign. Their goal is to prepare the population to accept the withdrawal of the CAN in Morocco, by providing a multitude of justifications. These people, overwhelmed by worries and problems, have been conditioned to accept and defend the regime’s decisions without questioning them.

A strategy of mind manipulation

This media campaign aims to keep Algerians in calculated ignorance, preventing them from discovering the prosperity of Morocco. The regime has spent colossal sums of money to ensure that this truth does not reach Algerian citizens. For years, state-controlled media has instilled biased ideas in the minds of Algerians, creating an unshakeable belief in the superiority of the regime and negativity toward Morocco.

In short, if the regime fails in its plan and the Algerians visit Morocco to support their team, they will discover a reality very different from the one they were taught. Today’s Morocco is far from the negative images broadcast by the Algerian media. It is internationally praised for its development, a reality that Algerians could finally see with their own eyes.

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