Disappearance of Lina: a house located 3 km from the teenager’s home is searched by investigators – Media7

Where is Lina? The 15-year-old girl vanished into thin air on Saturday September 23 in Plaine, Bas-Rhin. According to the Schirmeck gendarmerie brigade, the young girl left her home on foot around 11:15 a.m. to reach the Saint-Blaise-La-Roche station, located approximately 3 kilometers from her home. There, she had to take the train to join her boyfriend in Strabsourg. But she never made it to the station. Indeed, according to the Saverne public prosecutor’s office, the young girl did not even “get on a train”.

The public prosecutor also indicated this Sunday, October 1, the opening of a judicial investigation for “kidnapping and sequestration of more than seven days”.

A new house searched

This Friday, October 6, according to BFMTV, a house located 3 km from the home of the teenager who has been missing for several weeks now is searched. According to our colleagues, the gendarmerie’s criminal identification investigators are inside the house which is based in the hamlet of Poutay, not far from Plaine.

Around six investigators would be present “including two in white outfits and masks, could be on site to carry out checks, take DNA samples or even take photos”, reports BFMTV.

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