Illegal Fuel Trade Involves Several Construction and Public Works Companies

Dozens of companies working in the construction and public works sector are currently in the spotlight for their alleged involvement in an illicit fuel trading network. According to informed sources, around 70 companies operating in the public works, transport and construction sectors are suspected of participating in this illicit trade, which thrives in the twists and turns of the black market.

The affair broke out following alerts issued by professionals in the fuel sector concerning the dubious activities of certain actors, called “garages”, who were engaged in selling large quantities of fuel at unbeatable prices. The latter would obtain fuel at preferential rates from distributors, then sell them on the black market, thus escaping any legal regulation.

Industry professionals have strongly condemned this practice, highlighting the dangers it represents both economically and in terms of security. Indeed, the black market in fuels directly threatens service station owners, whose income is impacted by this unfair competition. In addition, non-compliance with current safety standards is a major concern, potentially endangering the lives of consumers.

Furthermore, experts have warned against the rise of intermediaries and resellers operating outside official distribution channels. These actors, acting outside legal channels, achieve profit margins up to four times higher than those of gas station owners, thus generating significant losses for the latter and causing considerable economic damage on a national scale.

Faced with this worrying situation, the affected parties called on the competent authorities to intervene quickly to put an end to these illegal practices. They are calling for effective measures to protect legitimate industry players while ensuring consumer safety and satisfaction.

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